Douglas County

For those of us who live here, it’s more than home.

It’s where we do business and create businesses. It’s where we raise our families and where our children will raise their families. It’s where we play, educate our kids, hang out with our neighbors, make lifelong friends, and create memories.

It’s also a place we must protect. Our quality of life is directly connected to our commitment to build a tomorrow that preserves the best of today. This vision includes protecting our natural resources, utilizing our county’s resources in a fiscally-smart manner, and wisely planning for our future. Our county has been blessed with thoughtful and strong leaders who share that vision. And work to make it a reality.

In Douglas County, we’re uniquely committed to open spaces, and the finest parks, and trail systems. We’re committed to responsibly protecting our natural resources, planning for a permanent solution for our long-term water needs.

We shape our own future that reflects our Western values. We don’t wait for others to do it for us.

Priorities such as public safety, health care, education, and transportation will always be important to our community as well as valuing low taxes, fair regulations, independence, and our proactive approach to growth.

We are Douglas County. We are the Douglas County Future Fund.