Issue 2

Issue 2
The latest news for you from Douglas County Future Fund
Critical Issues Impacting
Douglas County
July 28 | Issue 2
Did You Know? The vast majority of Douglas County water providers and its residents utilize water from WISE?

WISE - which stands for Water, Infrastructure and Supply Efficiency - is a regional partnership that provides new supply by combining unused capacities in Aurora Water’s Prairie Waters Project with unused water supplies from Denver and Aurora. During the years Denver and Aurora don’t need all of that water, and when excess capacity is available in Prairie Waters, 11 Douglas County entities that are part of the South Metro Water Supply Authority can buy the unused water to help reduce its reliance on nonrenewable groundwater.

The important question that needs to be asked is how does the ongoing drought and fewer “wet years,” increased demand from a growing population, and pressure from the federal government and other lower basin states affect WISE and Douglas County’s water supply?
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